

项目的成功 is a four-year program created to help you gain skills and experiences necessary for your dream job after college. If you qualify, you are automatically enrolled in 项目的成功. Keep an eye on your Sycamore email for additional information about the optional Bridge Week program.


  • 参加专门的领导力课程, 职业准备, 并在毕业后成为一个完整的电子游戏试玩人士.

  • 与同伴导师一起工作, 成功的教练, 校友导师会回答你们的问题, 为成功提出建议, 并为“成功计划”的学生提供独特的机会.

  • 参与独家服务机会, 网络事件, 国内或国际跨文化经验, 还有实习和工作见习的机会.

  • Receive dedicated career counseling and preparation to help you make good choices, 制作简历, 获得理想工作所需的技能.

  • 获得其他学生无法获得的奖学金, 包括 study-abroad scholarships and 10 scholarships that will cover tuition costs for both your junior and senior year.

An optional part of 项目的成功 you can choose to participate in is 桥梁周-一个为期5天的工作坊 在学期开始前熟悉校园周围的道路, 交朋友, 见见教职员工. 你可以和其他成功项目的学生住在一起, 一起上课, 发展学习小组, 需要帮助的时候寻求帮助.


项目的成功 students will have a Residential Peer Mentor/项目的成功 Peer Mentor and an Alumni Mentor who will support them all four years to assist in their transitions and college life adjustments.  


  • 获得实用 建议鼓励和支持.

  • 从别人的经验中学习.

  • 增加社交和学业上的自信.

  • 变得更有权力做决定.

  • 发展沟通、学习和个人技能.

  • Develop strategies for dealing with both personal and academic issues.


The primary focus of 项目的成功 is to help students graduate in four years and gain rewarding employment post-graduation.  职业准备是必不可少的. 在这个过程中, we will partner closely with the ISU 职业中心 all four years to help 项目的成功 students develop skills and prepare for their 实习 and future careers.

Participants will engage in comprehensive 职业准备 practices that will include, 但不要局限于工作见习, 实习, career exploration through the FOCUS 2 career development program, 和课程致力于电子游戏试玩的存在, 网络, 技能表达. Professional skills will be supplemented with 职业准备 software, alumni mentoring and student employment opportunities related to their career field.  Additionally, participants will engage in career counseling in conjunction with coursework.


学生 who participate in 项目的成功 are eligible for the following scholarship opportunities:

留学/本科研究奖学金: 每年, students can apply for scholarships to participate in either a study abroad or academic 研究 experience. 

1000美元弥补差距: These are retention scholarships given to academically eligible students to continue their education but have a financial hold on their record, 限制他们注册课程.

暑期住房奖学金: These are scholarships awarded to participants who cannot return to their home who wish to take summer classes on campus. 

大三/大四学费奖学金: These are scholarships awarded based on demonstrated academic excellence, 领导, 社区参与.


The NACADA:全球学术咨询社区 is the leading association for the advancement of student success through academic advising, 研究, 以及高等教育机构的鼓励, 包括电子游戏试玩. The association provides innovative opportunities for professional development and personal growth. 这是通过网络研讨会完成的, 研究支持, 播客, 磋商, 会议, 以及其他编程.



项目的成功 participants may choose to engage in a 5-day workshop before the start of the semester to help them acclimate to campus, 开始建立社交和学术网络, 了解资源, 并结识能在学业上帮助他们的人.


  • Build a supportive peer network, through participation in a Living Learning Community

  • Establish relationships with Indiana State University faculty and staff

  • 了解校园资源,并在必要时加以利用

  • Understand academic expectations and cultural differences between high school and college, and

  • Develop skills that will transfer to their other courses and beyond.

空间是 有限的 给前200名申请的学生, 所以今天就预定好你的位置.



Bridge Week students will be in a Living-Learning社区 where students will live on the same floor within a residence hall and be paired with another 项目的成功 student. The floor will be staffed by both a Residential Peer Mentor and a Resident Assistant to provide peer support during your first year inside and outside the classroom. 学生 will live in this community for the entirety of their first year.

The benefits of participating in the Bridge Week Living-Learning社区 are: 

  • 增加学术和社会机会
  • 改进的平均绩点
  • 改善与教员的联系
  • 更多地参与学习
  • Increased satisfaction with the Indiana State University experience, and
  • 坚持到毕业.


Bridge Week students who will live on campus are housed on floors together in our recently renovated residence halls. All rooms are double-occupancy and the building has laundry and kitchen facilities on the mezzanine, 每层楼都有学习和社交休息室. 请填写 住房合同, 选择项目成功学习社区, 缴交20元申请费, 然后付你的 注册订金 of $100. 

We will automatically pair students with another 项目的成功 student.

在这个项目之前, students will receive communication from 住宅生活 with details and instructions regarding housing.

注:在桥牌周期间, 学生将可以使用电子游戏试玩的设施, 包括 霍尔曼纪念学生会, 坎宁安纪念图书馆,和 学生娱乐中心, 哪家有游泳池, 休闲池, 声水疗, 有氧和力量调节设备, 还有一个有三个场地的体育馆.


  • 入住时间:2024年8月11日. 具体细节将于7月公布.

获得2分的学生有资格参加项目成功和桥梁周.4 - 3.高中GPA.



  • 我喜欢我早一个星期来到大学.

  • My favorite part was making new friends and during the first week getting to go to all the different activities.

  • I liked the fact that we were able to get on campus early and experience everything ourselves first before the first week.

  • 我喜欢我能在比赛中领先的感觉. 


  • For the first week I only knew one person and I was afraid to make new friends.

  • 没有什么. 我喜欢它的一切. 这是非常值得的金钱和时间.

  • 我不认为这个节目有我最不喜欢的部分.

你会向即将入学的学生推荐成功计划吗? 为什么?

  • 是的, because the course helped me see the world a little differently and it helped me get ready for the next four years.

  • 是的,“成功计划”帮助我克服了困难,也学到了很多东西. It has helped me study and prepare for my classes more and be more social.

  • 是的.  It allows an early look at what college is like and gives you strategies for different things that students have used in the past and gotten success from.

  • 是的,我认为这对新生来说是个很好的机会.

  • 我将. It definitely gave me a jump on things such as time management and the ability to 交朋友.

