三轮车 & 串联



1963年10月11日下午3点15分.m. 学生们, 教师, and staff of Indiana State College witnessed an event destined to become one of the university’s most enduring traditions—The 梧桐三轮车德比. “The spectator interest in the Derby was very high,” reported the Indiana Statesman. “(人们)在赛道周围排了四五排, 挂在教室窗户外面, and standing on top of buildings so that they could get a good view of the race.约翰·希普曼,美国.S. 汽车俱乐部和助理首发在印第安纳波利斯赛车场, 放下绿旗, 先是女子粉扑组,然后是男子组, 这一职位他至今仍保持着. 学生 representing Reeve and Parsons Halls and all of the sororities and 兄弟会 pedaled children’s tricycles furiously for ten laps around a portion of the Old Quad. The winners of the first race were Reeve Hall for the women and Parson Hall for the men. The race was run on the sidewalk around the main Quad for four years using children’s tricycles. 小组由男子组织和妇女组织组成, 源自姐妹会, 兄弟会, 以及宿舍学生. During the four years on the small tricycles, students began to take the race seriously. 他们寻求更具竞争性的挑战,想要更快节奏的比赛. 虽然当时没人知道, the “三轮车 Race” would become an integral part of Indiana State University’s homecoming tradition.

The contest altered in form as it moved from the Old Quad (1963-1966) to Marks Field (1967-1978, 1980-1991) to the ISU Driver’s Education Course at the Vigo County Fairgrounds (1992-1999) to Recreation East on the Indiana State University campus (2000-present). Terre Haute South高中为1979年的比赛提供了场地. 每次改变赛道,竞赛委员会都会调整规则. The first fundamental alteration occurred when 学生们’ competitive spirit outgrew the Old Quad and the children’s velocipede. 对胜利的渴望要求一辆更坚固的三轮车.

1967年到1971年, the race consisted of forty full laps for men and twenty half laps for women with the pits located at the front and the back of the track. The large number of participants required dividing the races into heats with the top finishing teams contending in the final feature events. 每队由四名骑手组成. 最后是一次冰淇淋社交活动.

The 梧桐三轮车德比 continued at Marks Field from 1972 to 1976 as forty full laps for the men and twenty full laps for the women. 每队由六名骑手和一名候补队员组成. The woman and man with the fastest qualifying lap received the honorific of “Hot Wheels” for the first time in 1973. The race committee extended the women’s race to twenty-four full laps in 1977. The 梧桐三轮车德比 returned to Marks Field in 1980 and the committee lengthened the women’s race to twenty-five full laps. In 2003, the women’s race was extended to 30 laps and the men’s extended to 42 laps.

In 2004 the 三轮车 Committee in collaboration with Indiana State University’s 设施管理 工作人员 painted permanent pit and racing lines on the track at Recreation East.
The Michael Simmons 学生活动 Center stands in testament to the endurance of a homecoming tradition. 10月21日, 2005, 这栋楼里有苏珊·巴雷福德纪念教室, 三轮车的仓库, 卫生间, 观众的露天看台, 还有一个带顶棚的观景台.

The impact of the 梧桐三轮车德比 on its proponents is indelible. 几十年来的骑手们热情地讲述着这段经历. 奉献, 努力工作, 持久性, 勇气, 合作, 友情, 可以持续一生的债券, 他们都描述了三轮车对参与者的意义

From its “kick-in-the-butt” origins in 1963 to its sophisticated organization in the twenty-first century, the 梧桐三轮车德比 endures as a homecoming tradition at Indiana State University.


Spring Week Began in 1970 as part of Indiana State University’s official Centennial Celebration.  The major highlight of Spring Week is the 串联 Race– thought to be the only co-ed 串联 Bicycle Race in the nation.  今天,春季周是春季最大的全校活动.  这些活动包括社区服务, 教育, 休闲, 娱乐, 以及学生和组织的竞争性参与.

串联 teams are composed of campus organizations- providing 10 male and female riders, 加上两个候补.  组织单独进入,并通过图纸配对. 

The 1970 tandem race featured 25 laps on a course through Fairbanks Park on the bank of the Wabash River.  该活动包括竞技游戏, 特殊的娱乐, 还有校园组织举办的嘉年华.

In 1971, the race took place at the Wabash Valley Fairgrounds on the Action Track, 半英里长的椭圆形土路.  它包括50英里,100圈的耐力和速度测试.  活动包括赛跑, 跳伞, 工艺品, 娱乐, 还有带游乐设施的狂欢节.

The race returned to Fairbanks Park in 1972, then moved to campus in 1973.  The race was held in the city streets, which surrounded Sycamore Tower Complex (4th, 5th栗子街和桑树街).   “串联onia”这个名字是为了取代“春季周”而创造的。.

The race moves again in 1974 to Marks Field and consisted of 100 laps or 25 miles on a quarter mile track.  17个队参加了比赛.  弯道很近,但没有赛道本身造成的残骸.

The 1976 串联onia Committee decided to begin the process of “changing over” from Schwinn bikes to newer, 轻量级的自行车.

串联onia 1991 included a 串联 kick-off that replaced the Donaghy Day activities and 串联 Games.  串联fest, 一场假唱比赛在蒂尔森音乐厅举行, Yell-Like-Hell, 棒球集会, 而实际的比赛仍以他们的传统模式进行.

因为要为大型田径赛事重新铺设马克球场, the race was moved to the Driver’s Education Center at the Wabash Valley Fairgrounds in 1993.  在马克田径场举行了19场比赛.

25th Anniversary was held in 1995 with “串联onia” changing back to “Spring Week” and activities more like the original event, 包括校园嘉年华.

1996年春季周委员会强调让更多的人参与进来, 以及宿舍的学生, by providing a roller blade contest and having pairing decorate windows in Residence Halls rather than in sorority suites.

The race continued at the Wabash Valley Fairgrounds through April of 1999.  七场比赛在驾驶员教育中心举行.  In February of 2000 串联 practice was moved to the new track at the Recreation East Facility located on 9th 和ISU校园的云杉街.  9支队伍在4月15日进行了比赛, 2000年,作为新赛道上的第一场比赛而载入史册!

The Michael Simmons Activity Center was added to the Recreation East complex in 2005.  This building has added a new dimension to the practices and race by providing officials a central place to score the race and fans to have bleachers for better viewing of the competition.

In 2012, the race was shortened to a 50 lap event with all teams using a standardized tandem bike provided by the Office of Recreational Sports (now known as 校园娱乐).
