

都是电子游戏试玩的注册学生, 有资格在SCC接受辅导服务. 抑郁症, 焦虑, 人际关系中的困难, 不足感, 性取向问题, 身份问题, substance abuse issues and problems interfering with academic functioning are some of the concerns students address through counseling. SCC不提供治疗所有的情绪或心理障碍, 尤其是那些慢性疾病, 严重的, 或者涉及伤害自己或他人的高风险, 包括严重的人格或精神障碍, 严重的药物滥用或康复. Clients needing extended treatment or special services beyond those offered at the SCC will be referred to competent resources in the Terre Haute community.


  • 费用 for counseling will be based on the number of sessions used, with a maximum charge of $60.  这主要包括咨询(个人), 集团, and Couple’s counseling) and use of the psychiatrist during the fall and spring semesters. 
  • 如前所述,前3次咨询是免费的. 
    • 参加4-6节课程的学生将收取30美元.
    • 使用7节或以上课程的学生将额外收取30美元. 
  • Please note that students seeking services during the summer will be allowed 3 free sessions after which they will be charged $30 to cover the remainder of the summer. 
  • 交了费用并不代表学生就有权去看精神病医生.  Psychiatric referral is done on a case by case basis and must be facilitated by the student’s counselor.  就像同意书上写的, to see the psychiatrist the student must be actively seeing a counselor within the 咨询中心.
  • 咨询费用将在每学年开始时重新调整. 
  • The number of sessions are counted at the end of each semester for accurate billing and are billed to the student's account the following semester. (例如,会议在12月底计算,并在1月份计费.)


注意:如果你在校园里, please call our office to be emailed a link you can use to access our forms and fill out online. 打电话给812-237-3939. 再说一遍,这只适用于在校园里. 

如果你在校外, 我们将致电812-237-3939与您安排其他事宜. 

然而, 如果你觉得你不能保证自己或他人的安全, 请致电公共安全(812).237.5555) or 911.  我们还在下面列出了危机热线资源.

  988全国自杀危机生命线图标    文本回家    

TransLifeline            退伍军人热线      西班牙语版热线



在安排好你和前台的第一次约会之后, please plan on arriving approximately 20 – 30 minutes early to complete initial paperwork. 你会得到一些简短的表格来阅读和完成, which will let you know what to expect and will allow you to provide some information about yourself for your intake counselor. 然后,你将与一位辅导员见面,预约你的分诊. 分诊预约比典型的治疗预约要短. 它将持续20 - 30分钟. This appointment will help your counselor to gain a better understanding of your current concerns and how the counseling center can best help you. 第一次约会结束后, 你和你的分诊顾问会选择一个最符合你需要的计划.g., individual counseling, group therapy, one session only, or a referral to another office). It is important to mention that the counselor that you meet with for your triage may or may not be the counselor that you continue to see if individual therapy is recommended. 请记住你的来访是保密的. 访问SCC不会成为您的学术记录的一部分. 如果你不想告诉你的家人和朋友,你不需要知道. Except in emergency situations or in cases where you have given us written permission, 我们不会与任何人分享你的记录.


  • 讨论和探索对你来说重要的问题或感受
  • 在做出明智的选择时获得更大的自由


  • 在治疗师促进的小组环境中进行同伴间的互动                                                           
  • 提供了与他人分享和学习的机会
  • 提供和接受反馈和支持的机会
  • A majority of our groups are free and students do not have to be engaged in counseling services to attend.


The Student Counceling Center offers Alcohol and Marijuana psychoeducational groups for any student interested in attending. 这些小组将贯穿整个学期,共3个小时. 这些组织旨在帮助提高大学生的意识. 有兴趣参加这个小组的学生可以拨打812与我们联系.237.3939.


  • 解决人际关系中压力和冲突的根源
  • 适用于所有ISU在读学生.



  • 在适当的转诊情况下,可进行精神病评估和咨询
  • Initial evaluation is included in the one- time $60 fee for the academic school year


  • 药物使用的评估和临床评价
  • 咨询、教育规划和治疗


  • Collaborative effort directed by the Student 咨询中心 for athletes and coaches
  • 提供运动心理心理训练, 对电子游戏试玩的运动员进行干预和团队建设

欲了解更多信息,请访问 SPEP



  • After scheduling please plan to arrive 15-20 minutes early to complete inital paperwork.
  • 然后你将与我们的一位顾问会面,为你预约分诊. This is shorter than a typical therapy appointment and can last between 20-30 minutes. This allows the counselor to gain a better understanding of current concerns and how the counseling center can help.
  • 最后,你和辅导员会选择一个最符合你需要的计划.g. individual counseling, group therapy, one session only or referal to another office).
    • It is important to mention that this counselor my not be the one you continue to see if individual therapy is recommended.


SCC提供人格评估, 药物滥用和饮食失调评估, 针对多动症和学习障碍等残疾的认知测试, 偶尔的职业测试. 我们的咨询师可能会推荐某些测试作为治疗过程的一部分. 学生 are also able to request certain types of testing and the decision to perform such assessments will be made in conjunction with the student’s counselor.

Counselors at the SCC may recommend certain types of testing as part of the therapy process, 包括人格评估和症状量表. This type of testing can help determine the type of treatment a student needs and track progress over time.

电子游戏试玩测试服务, 比如药物滥用评估或残疾评估, 是在SCC收费的吗.


有时, students may be referred for formal drug and alcohol evaluations to satisfy requirements for Student Conduct and Integrity, 法院, 或者另一个参考实体. The SCC uses a structured assessment to determine the student’s current and future level of risk. 作为评估过程的一部分,提出了治疗建议, 这个信息可以提供, 应学生的要求, 转介机构.

Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)/Learning Disability (LD) Assessment

经常, students may find that they are struggling in their college courses due to issues with concentration or learning difficulties. 这些问题可能由许多不同的因素引起, 包括家庭问题, 最近的分手, 不良的学习习惯, 焦虑, 和抑郁. 在极少数情况下,学生可能患有未确诊的多动症和/或学习障碍.

如果你认为你可能有多动症或学习障碍, 您可以按照以下步骤在SCC接受服务:

步骤1: 联系SCC安排“第一次接触”预约.

步骤2: Speak with your assigned counselor about your symptoms and possible factors contributing to these problems.

步骤3: 如果你和你的咨询师都认为ADHD/LD测试是有帮助的, 您将被列入下一个可用的测试电子游戏试玩人员的等待名单.

*在学年的高峰时间, 学生可能需要等待一个月或更长时间才能开始测试过程. 然而, you may continue to meet with your individual counselor for support during this time.

步骤4: 与测试电子游戏试玩人员会面,进行全面的临床面试.

步骤5: 症状的调查问卷, 认知测试, and in some cases personality testing may be performed based on what the testing professional determines is necessary. Formal testing can take up to 2-5 hours to complete and is usually conducted over 2 or more sessions.

步骤6: 测试电子游戏试玩人员将与您会面,解释测试结果, 任何诊断, 以及可以帮助您改进的技术或服务的建议.

第七步: The testing professional can provide you documentation of the testing and diagnosis if you wish to register your disability with Disabled 学生服务 at ISU in order to receive certain accommodations, or to consult with a physician or psychiatrist about the use of medication to reduce the impact of your disability.

*因为进行ADHD/LD评估需要花费大量时间, 整个过程可能需要一个月或更长时间才能完成. 学生 should not expect to receive a quick diagnosis of ADHD or a learning disability.


父母, as well as faculty and staff are welcome and encouraged to consult with SCC staff if they believe a student is experiencing distress and would like information or guidance about how best to help. 去找我们的顾问咨询, 请致电我们的办公室812-237-3939,并要求与有空的辅导员交谈.

有关在紧急情况下应采取的措施的信息, 请参阅我们的危机干预页面.

学生服务中心提供一份名为“困难学生:转介指引”的小册子, 其中讨论了信号和“危险信号”,"强调协助学生的干预指引, 并提供了一份校园推荐资源列表. 请同时参阅本页有关警告标志的以下信息, 如何转介学生获得服务, 以及如何与学生谈论你的担忧的想法.




217 North 6th
2nd 吉勒姆大厅一楼
Terre Haute, IN 47809


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